Vorher geht es aber noch zum Motorenprüfstand.
So hat man es im Werk bei einer Führung von einem ehemaligen HD Ingenieur auch zu hören bekommen :
aus einem US-Forum :
".....in 1985 i toured the engine plant in milwaukee.
we watched the engines and transmissions get machined and assembled.
when the assembled engines were ready to be tested on a engine dyno a tech would mount the motor, attach the carb, exhaust and oil lines and start it up.
it would run for a while then he would start getting on the fuel.
he ran it hard and he would document the HP for each motor.
the tour guide told us they needed a specific HP range. anything below the range was pulled out and redone, anything that had exceptional HP was pulled and used on cop bikes. anything within the range was used on regular production bikes.
i ask him why there was different HP from one engine to the next. he said it was just the luck of the draw.
all parts were manufactured to the same specs but all the parts were not exactly the same.
in assembly some parts just worked better together then some other parts and would make better HP. the tour guide wasn't some scrub off the street either.
he was a retired engineer with many years working for HD. ... "
Dieser Beitrag wurde schon 3 mal editiert, zum letzten mal von Schneckman am 07.09.2017 07:06.