zum zitierten Beitrag
Zitat von tready
ich habe soeben bei fanatics-parts.de nachgefragt:
die Klappe samt Servo muss raus.
an dieser Stelle ein dickes Lob an die Fanatics-Parts GmbH. die haben super schnell auf meine Anfragen per Email reagiert. top!
Jetzt hab ich nochmals bei Adrenalin Moto in der Prduktbeschrebung nachgesehen und siehe da:
! Electronic valve emulator for active air intake system.
In order to conform to European noise regulations the XR1200 has an 'active air intake system'. This consists of a large flap type valve inside the airbox which is operated by a solenoid. As you open the throttle the valve opens to allow more airflow.
Unfortunately the XR1200 airbox is already quite small, and even at full throttle opening this valve still restricts the airflow quite significantly. It's only purpose is to reduce intake noise.
Our newly developed electronic adapter simulates the return-signal of the air intake valve, which means that you can completely remove the valve and will not get an engine warning light after doing so. This small unit plugs directly into the loom under the tank in place of the stock intake valve connector.
The inlet tract is no longer blocked, the XR will breath more freely and the engine will develop the maximum power possible throughout the rev range (although you will get more intake noise)!
Jetzt frag ich mich nur, was gerade passiert in meinem Ansaugtrakt??
VE und Klappe drin - würde ja bedeuten, dass die Klappe zu immer zu oder offen ist!!
Fehlermeldung gibt es ja nicht
Confused ......