With the part number face up, place the head gasket over
the two dowel pins in the upper flange of the cylinder.
Note that the word "Front" or "Rear" is cast into the top of
the cylinder head to verify proper installation.
With the indent in the cooling fins facing the right side of the engine,
gently slide cylinder head over the two cylinder flange dowel pins.
Lower the cylinder head at an angle that closely approximates the angle of the crankcase to avoid
damage to machined surfaces or the dowel pins.
Thoroughly clean and lubricate the threads of the cylinder head
bolts before installation.
Friction caused by dirt and grime will result in a false torque indication.
Lightly coat the threads and bottom face of the cylinder
head bolts in clean H-D 20W50 engine oil.
Wipe off any excess oil.
Loosely install the cylinder head bolts onto the cylinder studs.
Place two short bolts on the left side of the engine and two long bolts on the right.
Tighten the four cylinder head bolts.
Following sequence shown, alternately turn each cylinder head bolt until finger tight.
Following the same sequence, tighten the cylinderhead bolts to 120-144 in-lbs (13.5-16.2 Nm).
Continuing the same sequence, tighten each bolt to15-17 ft-lbs (20.3-23.0 Nm).
Using a grease pencil, mark a straight line on the cylinder head bolt continuing the line over onto the cylinder head.
Using the marks as a guide, turn each bolt 1/4 turnor 90 degrees.
Be sure to tighten the cylinder head bolts in the sequence shown.
(Von der Zündkerzenseite aus gesehen)
1. rechts von der Kerze (Nähe Manifold)
2. links von der Kerze (Nähe Auspuff)
3. hinter 1)
4. hinter 2)
Spiegelbildlich zu Vorn.
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