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Geschrieben von Poobahh am 01.05.2019 um 19:17:

zum zitierten Beitrag Zitat von Schlitzer
Habe meine neue Road Glide CVO 2019 in Betrieb genommen! Handy mit Blauzahn verbunden! Auch an USB Kabel angeschlossen aber CarPlay funst nicht!
Wer kann helfen?

In den Einstellungen muss "Projektion" aktiviert sein, sonst funktioniert das auch nicht.

Viele Grüße

Geschrieben von Schlitzer am 01.05.2019 um 20:09:

Viele Dank! Funst das auch mit dem Schuberth SRC System oder nur mit dem von Harley gelieferten Head Set?

No Fear..... Baby

Geschrieben von ice am 01.05.2019 um 20:12:

Das geht nur dem von Harley gebrandeten Sena, meine ich.

Geschrieben von Schlitzer am 01.05.2019 um 21:58:

Dank für die hilfreichen Informationen! Habe alles am laufen 

No Fear..... Baby

Geschrieben von Elwood-2.0 am 27.05.2019 um 19:27:

zum zitierten Beitrag Zitat von Poobahh
Hallo zusammen,

hat jemand eine Ahnung was die beiden Punkte DAB zu DAB und DAB zu FM bedeuten. Leider ist die Verkehrsdurchsage bei mir auch immer wieder drin...

Danke und Gruß

Hallo, muss die Frage von Poobahh nochmal hoch hohlen.
Kann zwischenzeitlich jemand was dazu sagen?


Geschrieben von ice am 27.05.2019 um 20:09:

Würde mich auch interessieren. Und wie man den Verkehrsfunk abschalten kann. Dauerhaft!

Geschrieben von Poobahh am 27.05.2019 um 20:49:

zum zitierten Beitrag Zitat von ice
Würde mich auch interessieren. Und wie man den Verkehrsfunk abschalten kann. Dauerhaft!

Leider hab ich auch noch keine Ahnung von beiden Dingen...

Geschrieben von ice am 27.05.2019 um 20:50:

Muss doch rauszufinden sein unglücklich

Geschrieben von Elwood-2.0 am 28.05.2019 um 18:37:

Also ich bekomme keinen Verkehrsfunk.
Welche "Kategorien" sind den bei Euch mit einem Haken versehen?
Um es zu verdeutlichen, schaut mal auf Seite 86 ff. des Boom Box Manuals.

Bei mir sind alle ohne Haken, vielleicht ist dass das Problem!? Wobei ich das Radio aber auch lautlos schalte, sobald über DAB+ Rock Antenne nicht mehr zu empfangen ist.
Der UKW Sound ist leider grauenhaft.

Geschrieben von ice am 28.05.2019 um 19:29:

Ich denke auch, das hat was mit den Haken zu tun. Alle Haken weg, dann gehts vielleicht. Mal probieren. 

Geschrieben von Marcato90 am 05.06.2019 um 18:34:

Moin Moin, 

hat schon jemand eine Lösung hierfür gefunden?
Ich hab die Navi Ansage auf Stumm gestellt und trotzdem wird jedes Mal die abspielende Musik unterbrochen, für  jede (stumme)  Navi Ansage...

ich hab hab schon fast die Vermutung das sich HD dabei einfach nicht so viele Gedanken gemacht hat und dies der IST Zustand ist.... 

Bin gespannt,

Geschrieben von Bantoue am 05.06.2019 um 19:00:

Stummschalten reicht nicht, du musst sie ausschalten.
Du musst die nav eingabeaufforderung ausschalten. Wie oben schon mal beschrieben.

Geschrieben von Elwood-2.0 am 07.06.2019 um 09:37:

war hier falsch und hat sich erledigt, sorry!

Geschrieben von Elwood-2.0 am 28.06.2019 um 05:44:

Seit 21.06.19 gibt es ein neues Update:

Leider fehlt die Info, was geändert wurde.

Geschrieben von serioussv3n am 28.06.2019 um 07:08:

Auszug aus HDforums

MY20.19.20.01 contains the following fixes:

  1. GPX Route imported from USB is not displayed in Rides list
  2. Ride planner app does not launch sometimes
  3. "Space" not available in Search keypad
  4. Long Press of Voice Recognition button after disconnect/reconnect of iPhone does not launch Siri
  5. Next Street displays Waypoint even after passing it
  6. Inconsistency in street name displayed at bottom of screen during active nav
  7. Black Screen – Display Service Did Not Start
  8. Media metadata doesn`t update switching from iPhone to Android
  9. Voice Recognition cancels immediately after initiation
  10. Rear Tire Pressure value not updating on change
  11. Lane Guidance is displaying question marks instead of arrows
  12. Next maneuver off after riding avoided segment
  13. Next turn incorrect and maneuver list empty w/GPX route
  14. Nav Route ends in display before Navigation ends route
  15. Shuffle and Repeat will not disable on the display for iPhone
  16. Empty song information appears when switching source from USB to BT
  17. Navigation screen is seen from fav screen after navigation disable
  18. Delay in list cursor control down when first scrolling long list with touch
  19. Battery for Wireless headset showing "%" instead of "20%"
  20. Voice Recognition crashes randomly while testing
  21. Theme color does not persist through an IGN cycle
  22. Unable to launch “Tune to <freq>"after scrolling down once from Voice Recognition teleprompter
  23. Voice Recognition stuck in processing screen when commands are given continuously
  24. Time to next turn left data wing showing as "-1" when route guidance is not active
  25. Home button press does not take to home screen after waiting for few minutes in source.
  26. Phone number is Displayed when searching for POI via Voice Recognition "Find Next`
  27. USB number of tracks is Displayed as 0 of 0 after traffic announcement is ended
  28. Display always shows the Blue Tooth screen as calling without the timer incrementing
  29. Recognized country/town name not listed on "Search near me" screen
  30. System is not able to call a phone listed by POI if CarPlay is connected
  31. One Box Search Near Me gives Wrong Address Format
  32. Theme color changed to default when USB was ed, although Red color was ed
  33. Empty Blue Tooth metadata seen when song is played from paired phone during ringtone play
  34. Cursor doesn`t cancel SCAN
  35. Difficulty reconnecting iPhone after disconnecting CarPlay
  36. CarPlay cancels when ending phone call
  37. Clock not functioning for one ignition cycle
  38. HU is not cancelling Voice Recognition on doing long press the Voice Recognition button
  39. App - Sending Ride to Bike while in existing route screen doesn`t update to new ride
  40. Destination search keyboard Displays all the characters entered in CAPS by default.
  41. Display navigates out of number input screen during call
  42. Voice Recognition Phone picklist Displays only 10 list items even though there are more than 10.
  43. Voice Recognition session cancels on entering number after correction command
  44. Wing data stopped time resets upon ignition cycle
  45. Wing data total time rests to 0 adding waypoint
  46. Clock on trip summary Displays 24hr format when set to 12hr format.
  47. Wrong info saved in presets in Artist and Genre
  48. Spacebar remains disabled even if speed is made zero
  49. Empty Find option shown after ing default RT for BT source
  50. No" Back" button seen in Aux screen
  51. Sections of Road on map screen disappear and reappear when autozoom is enabled
  52. Random % shown in 5 day forecast
  53. POI and Emergency addresses show state twice in address
  54. CB is highlighted and USB starts playing after cancelling user off mode
  55. Speed and Flow lines show when disabled
  56. No icon for information in legend
  57. Car play launched during active Voice Recognition session.
  58. "Empty" and "Saving" strings not seen clearly in high contrast mode
  59. Voice Recognition "Tune to <freq.>" is not tuning to the requested freq. when in Media mode.
  60. Delay observed during the Voice Recognition prompt on Route Calculation screen
  61. Every word is Capital for Auto Text reply
  62. USB find option is empty after playing RT during USB mute
  63. Prompt states wrong side of road when reaching waypoint
  64. "Low Fuel Detected" popup is not as per the spec
  65. Info Screen Displayed 48 mph while vehicle was parked.
  66. HU is not going to Home screen from popup "No device connected, would you like to connect any device?”
  67. Trail path (cyan lines) seen on top of buildings, during recording of trails
  68. Keep single digit on decimals for Avg mpg on info screen
  69. Remove decimals from Avg Speed in info screen since number is a whole number all the time
  70. Display transits to Voice Recognition main screen before complete saying last command in the Voice Recognition help...
  71. Empty popup when clearing favorite team in Game Zone
  72. CB is not highlighted after turning CB ON from Off state and USB audio is paused
  73. GPX route progress lost over an ignition cycle
  74. Intercom VOX breaks into CarPlay Siri session with Wireless Headset
  75. External Amp muted on vehicle with IGN-OFF to IGN ON for 5 to 10 second window
  76. Media audio loss transitioning between BTSA sources repeatedly
  77. NAV prompts only working sometimes
  78. Highway Services only Displays 1 POI even though there are 3 at that intersection
  79. Touch screen `Glitching` when touching the upper corner
  80. Voice Recognition cancels after repeating town name in SA region
  81. Customer reporting periodic USB media not playing and preset issues at startup
  82. First exit for left hand turn roundabout shows icon for right turn in next turn bar
  83. TMC repeat does not work
  84. "CB not available" pop up removes the already present incoming call popup
  85. Mexican Spanish Voice Recognition entry for Zip code doesn`t work in US - works in Mexico
  86. User has ability to scroll above traffic messages when changing filter distance
  87. Total time wing doesn`t reset when reaching destination
  88. Traffic event is not centered when viewing from SXM traffic menu.
  89. Nav Screen in 3D and North Up at Same Time
  90. Magenta line flashing behind the bike icon
  91. First command readout is omitted after scrolling up
  92. 2nd incoming Call status not updating while in contacts sync popup
  93. Language popup takes the priority over Voice Recognition
  94. LHCM PTT button doesn`t cancel scan for USB device
  95. Red shading along active route while no traffic congestion
  96. Audio mode button unresponsive top of screen
  97. iPod not scanning
  98. 0° 0° is shown instead of actual latitude and longitude value
  99. Intercom option remains highlighted even if COM option is turned OFF and then ON
  100. Improper behavior of Voice Recognition over ringtone popup
  101. Voice Recognition is cancelled after changing language to US for New Zealand region
  102. Wing data Total time while not in a route
  103. PSI for UK English translated in all caps (PSI), other languages lower case (psi)
  104. Time shows 24 hr base for ~1 second when resuming paused route in nav screen
  105. Intercom source gets added when HU recovers from under/over voltage or from off->Ignition
  106. Wrong Lane Recommendation
  107. iPhone & android device multiple connect &disconnect - Not detected
  108. Back to Back Junction view is Displayed Under navigation for a split second
  109. Track number off for one track if changing ring tones during BTSA
  110. Nav prompts heard if nav disabled with active route
  111. "Export Complete" shown when removing USB while exporting a ride.
  112. Two messages are Displayed on screen when ing refresh button via display
  113. Repeated rapid transition between map touch and bezel home button disables home button
  114. FM preset stored with empty Preset name instead of frequency number
  115. Launching Siri from phone while downloading Ride Planner ride interrupts download list
  116. Repeat functionality working when repeat set to OFF &perform FFWD playback
  117. Last mode is Displayed for a split second when using Voice Recognition One Shot
  118. State name labels missing
  119. Quick key popup Displayed in TPMS details screen if user off mode exists in the backend
  120. Media attempts to pick up at last song with all media deleted from USB
  121. Audio Glitch heard when RT is ed during CarPlay audio
  122. Ringtone audio remains if RT quickly ed after disconnecting associated phone
  123. During active CarPlay route navigation Native HU Pop up Displayed
  124. Exporting for nav update during BTSA changes audio to USB with BT icon in media
  125. Various Bug Fixes